Stress Management at Work ~ Checklist

In many organizations, chronic stress is the most significant health problem facing the employees and managers. Often daily activities appear to be a never ending series of too many things to do with insufficient time and resources to allow acceptable job performance, let alone the level of professionalism which is desired. When stress levels are in the optimum range, people are creative, inspired and productive. But when stress levels are too high or too low, people experience a variety of symptoms. Which of these factors are present in your life and in those of the people around you?

Job Related Signs of Stress

  •          Difficulty concentrating on work
  •          Increasing tardiness
  •          Spending time at co-workers desk venting complaints, worries
  •          High rate of turn over
  •          Increasing absences from work
  •          Strained relationship with colleagues
  •          Irritability or silence with co-workers
  •          Reduce productivity on the job
  •          Job dissatisfaction

Physical Signs of Stress

  1.          Sleep: trouble going to sleep, staying asleep or sleeping a lot
  2.          Feeling fatigue, not enough energy
  3.          Headaches and/or muscular aches
  4.          Backaches, pain in the neck and shoulders
  5.          Excess nervous energy, feeling agitated, can’t relax
  6.          Over-eating or under-eating
  7.          Digestive problems including heartburn, diarrhea or constipation
  8.          Crying: feel like bursting into tears or can’t cry when it is appropriate
  9.          Change in sexual desire

Possible Stressful Conditions

  •          The need to work quickly and accurately
  •          Too much work, not enough time, not taking breaks.
  •          Lack of job security
  •          New supervisor or new subordinates
  •          Poor relationship with supervisor
  •          Being at career capacity
  •          Inadequate or harsh lighting conditions
  •          High noise levels
  •          Being a perfectionist: never being able to feel satisfied with your work
  •          A general environment of competition instead of cooperation
  •          Major changes in policies
  •          Overall unsatisfactory quality of work
  •          Feeling emotionally unsupported
  •          Having to answer to several people
  •          Lack of praise from co-workers and manager

If you’d like help to reduce your stress, or schedule a workshop for your organization, please contact me for a 10-minute complementary get-acquainted phone call: Benita A. Esposito, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor.

 Listen to this Radio Show: Stress Management WJUL 9Aug12
