Tag Archive for: Intensive Retreats

Newsletter May 2013

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Be compassionate. Speak up. Reach out.

Blairsville, GA Office

Blairsville, GA Office

Do you know someone suffering from depression, grief, trauma or anxiety?  It’s pretty common. One in four adults will experience some kind of mental health difficult challenge during their life.

Too many people suffer needlessly. Well-meaning family members may think their loved one is just being lazy moping around the house, when in fact, they are clinically depressed. A high-achiever may believe they work best under pressure. But when they live with anxiety for several years, it may result in heart disease. Trauma from abuse (physical, verbal, emotional and sexual) may result in anxiety, addiction, depression or thoughts of suicide.  People often think they come through hurtful experiences unscathed, but rarely is that true. Emotional eating and  top the list of symptoms that are only the tip of the iceberg. We must look deeper for the true cause and heal there.

It’s not only individuals who are affected by mental illness. Marriages and parent-child relationships can be ruined when people don’t have the ability to be truly present with their loved ones.

People who grow up in families with turmoil, yelling, icy emotional distance, abuse and frequent criticism are at greater risk for mental illness. If you are a highly sensitive person, you are more susceptible to depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

You can help stop the needless suffering in your family by removing the stigma of asking for help. If you suspected your loved one had heart disease, you wouldn’t think twice about telling him or her to go to the doctor.

Smyrna, GA Office

Smyrna, GA Office

Share these videos to educate your loved ones.  Sometimes, people think they are weak if they have to ask for help. But actually, it takes more courage to reach out for help than to do nothing and continue to suffer.  Calling a professional is a sign of strength. You may contact me by clicking here.

Mental Health Awareness Month PSA

Representative Schlossberg speaks on legislation for Mental Health Awareness Month

Remember: When you take care of yourself, you help all those around you.  What we do (or don’t do) impacts others.

Are you looking faster progress than private therapy alone? Attend these intensive retreats where you have many hours to dive deep into healing.

Retreat Venue, Young Harris, GA

Retreat Venue, Young Harris, GA

Deep Emotional Healing Retreat 7/13/13.

Explore, Excavate, Express Your Authentic Self.

Do you find yourself repeating unhelpful patterns even though you don’t want to? Do limiting thoughts and “monkey-mind chatter” create unwanted worry? Do you want to create a relationship that finally works?  Unresolved emotional wounds can sabotage your best intentions.



panama-city-beach “Annual Beach Retreat” Aug. 31- Sept. 5, 2013. 

“Create the Life of Your Dreams” 5 nights at the beach.  

Dig deeper than ever before. Heal at depth so you can make your fondest dreams come true!  Register early. Tuition increases monthly. Panama City Beach, Florida

Contact Benita A. Esposito, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor to inquire about private psychotherapy or intensive retreats. In-person, phone and skype appointments are available.


Deep Emotional Healing Mini-Retreat 11/16/13

Explore, Excavate, Express Your Authentic Self  fall-leaves

Even though you are a high-achiever, there’s probably at least one area of your life that you would like to improve.
We’re all on a journey towards expressing more and more of our Authentic Self. As we develop greater personal and spiritual mastery, our outer life reflects the shining results.

What do you want to improve in your life?

RELATIONSHIPS:  Do you long for healthy relationships, but dysfunctional patterns keep cropping up? Do you want to change your part of the pattern so you can finally BE healthy in relationships, and experience the kind of love you have always wanted?

CAREER: Would you like to experience the joy, emotional support and financial remuneration you desire? Would you like your job to be an expression of your spiritual calling? Do you sense the creativity within you, but something holds you back? Do you want to leave a legacy to make the world a better place?

HEALTH: Do you experience illness, pain or weight issues?  Do you sense there might be an emotional, spiritual or life-style component?

SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: Even though you are a high-achiever, do you sometimes feel an emptiness way down deep inside?  It might feel like anxiety. Do you want to feel whole by developing greater spiritual intimacy?

PERSONAL MASTERY: Do you want to increase your ability to create the life of your dreams? Do you find unhelpful patterns repeating themselves even though you don’t want them to? Do limiting thoughts and “monkey-mind chatter” cause you to worry? Are you eager to increase self-awareness and express your Authentic Self in every situation?

Fall Leaves

All these challenges can be symptoms of unresolved emotional wounds that decrease your self-esteem, competence and ability to create healthy personal and professional relationships. The part of your brain that tries to protect you when you are in danger has become stuck in survival mode. This can generate a number of symptoms including pain, anxiety, depression, procrastination, OCD, addiction, and emotional eating. You may not know how to effectively communicate to resolve conflicts so that your relationships flourish. Your intimate relationship may suffer because you can’t be as emotionally and sexually open as you would like.

The Promise of the Retreat:   You’ll experience rigorous yet gentle leadership tailored to your unique learning style to ensure your success. You’ll receive insights so compelling that you will naturally flow into effective action instead of getting bogged down in self-defeating patterns. You’ll be in a safe place so you can allow Love to flood you, heal you and release wave after wave of creativity. Bask in the sweetness of spiritual intimacy, drawing ever closer to the Divine, the source of all healing. You’ll increase your intuition and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly. You’ll learn how to allow your energy to flow freely, and open your heart after being wounded. You’ll strengthen your ability to feel even the most difficult emotions, while staying present in your body. When you stop abandoning yourself, you’ll receive more love into your life. You’ll be able to truly forgive, instead of just thinking you should. You’ll deepen your ability to be emotionally intimate with your loved ones.

You’re transformational journey will be accelerated in this pristine Nature setting: the Blue Ridge Mountains and Lake Chatuge.

WHERE AND WHEN:  One Saturday, November 16, 2013. 9:30am-6:00pm. Young Harris, Georgia. Hiawassee

Breathwork is one of the primary activities of the day. It helps you access memory, emotion and spirituality in a profound way. Click on the following link to learn more about what happens in breathwork:  2 Client Stories

Reserve your seat now. This small intimate retreat consists of 5 – 8 people.  To apply, call 770.998.6642 or email Benita@EspositoInstitute.com. A minimum of 3 private sessions are required before attending this retreat.

Tuition: $175.00. (Singles and couples welcome. Couples receive a $20 discount.)

Early Bird Discount: $150.00 by October 13, 2013

Retreat FAQs

TESTIMONIALSBusinesswoman shouting her victory to the world

“I had never really even entertained the idea of doing a retreat. Scared me to death. Once my spirit decided it was the place to be, then it was so powerful that I had to surrender. So far it’s been one life changing experience after another. Right now I am flying. Can you tell? I mean high! I feel like running up this path barefooted if I have to.” – V.S., Psychotherapist

Last night while soaking in the hot tub, I had a mental slideshow of past retreats and how transformative they’ve been for me.  For many years there’s been a deep ache inside of me because my father didn’t affirm me. This unresolved pain caused great difficulty with my romantic relationships. During the breathwork session at the last retreat, while I was in a dreamy state, I appeared as a radiant bride and my Dad finally gave me the adoration I have wanted all my life. Now six months later, I still feel the love that was planted in me during that retreat. What a priceless journey, worth more than gold!  – T.H, Realtor, Health Coach

“By working with Benita Esposito over the last eight years in one-on-one and in group settings, I have deeply explored the outer reaches of consciousness, and the inner depths of my body-mind-soul-emotions. Via strong empathetic connection with me, Benita has intuitively coached me through issues so I can create healthy personal and business relationships. I benefit most from group retreats where there is a mixture of people’s energies. The extended time to work on things is crucial to digging deep and making major changes, while the beautiful Nature settings give me the soothing arena I need to process the experiences. Jump at the chance to be involved in a retreat as often as possible. It is an honor Waterfall_HighShoalsand a privilege to have Benita as the co-creator of my true destiny and my journey towards my Authentic Self.”  ~ L.S

More Testimonials

Lodging:  If you care to stay overnight, click here for a list of hotels. Register early.

Food: Bring a sack lunch and healthy snacks.

Facilitator: Benita A. Esposito, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor

To inquire about counseling services or intensive retreats, click the Contact  form. Enter your question and contact information.

Refund Policy
*There will be no refunds within 30 days of the event. Cancellation must be writing. Fax to 706.896.0031 or email to Benita@EspositoInstitute.com.
* 31-45 days before the retreat, there will be a 50% refund, minus a $35 processing fee.
* 46 or more days before an event, there will be a full refund minus a $35 processing fee.
