Excavating Your Authentic Self, Creating Your Dreams.

What do you want to create?  What has God planted in your heart?  A job that feeds your spirit and calms your body?  Time to relax and heal? Relationships in which you feel cherished? Health? Life-work balance? A home that you call your sanctuary?

If you want your external reality to change, you have to change your internal reality. Read more


Weight Loss Coaching Group for Women

Are you struggling with excess body fat or obesity? Have you tried diets without success, going up and down, and up and down?   We want to encourage you! (Read more.) Read more


Depression Checklist

Do you think you might be depressed? Or, are you concerned about a loved one? Click on the link to complete the assessment.  If you answer “yes” to 5 or more of the symptoms, it is wise to get counseling.  Depression Checklist

Contact me for a complementary 10-minute get-acquainted phone meeting. Life can get better. Help is available.




How to shift a bad mood

Want a quick way to transform a depressed or anxious mood?

Because the heart’ s force field is 5,000 greater than the brain, the heart can entrain the brain. HeartMath Institute’s research suggests this meditation: Read more


Stress Management for Leaders

How to Optimize Health and Productivity

What do Olympic athletes and high potentials do to reduce stress and maximize performance? Glean the essence of their wisdom, along with understanding the hidden costs of stress to your organization. Read more


Death’s Gift. Healing Grief Article

With a breast cancer prognosis of one month to live, Mrs. Samuel and her family came for counseling upon the recommendation of her doctor. No one in her family talked about her dying, and that was fine with her. I wanted to help them create emotional intimacy before she died and thereby make her passage easier. Read more


Coat of Many Colors: Benita’s Retreat Story.

Emotional Intimacy Beings Within.

My Intensive Personal Growth Retreat Preparation

The North Georgia Mountains cradled a group of people who gathered for an intensive transformational Retreat.  It was one of my first retreats with my teacher, Lee.  I was looking at a whole lifetime of not being true to my Authentic Self for fear that someone, mostly some man, wouldn’t love me.  Read more


Healing Trauma: Laura’s Retreat Story

Three men and ten women gathered for one of my spiritual retreats: “Awakening the Authentic Self.”

I had been helping Laura for two years, and we had built quite a bit of trust between us which is necessary to do deep level work. Read more


My Body and I are Sacred.

Erica’s Reflections after our “Awakening the Authentic Self Retreat.”

It’s the day after our retreat, and I just got a massage this morning in Asheville, NC. My body was tired and sore from the weekend, and I wanted to take care of it. As I lay there on the table, I became aware of how much I have hated and hurt my body. Read more


“Balancing Your Life: Eliminating Workaholism”

If you feel stressed, and you want to take more time for self-care, but you don’t make enough time to do it, read this short article. You’ll see how one S.M.A.R.T. woman who was burned-out as she struggled to eliminate her resistance to good self-care. Finally, she created a life of ease and joy. Read more
