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27 search results for: Breathwork


Breathwork Workshop

1 day Saturday, March 10, 2018 9:30am-5:30pm Young Harris, Georgia In the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains Early Bird: February 3. Save $29.00   While weekly therapy sessions help sustain steady growth, sometimes you want to take giant leaps forward. I’d like to tell you about Breathwork, a mind-body-spirit technique that creates breakthroughs better than any […]


Breathwork Q&A

Can you relate to any of these situations? 1. You find yourself getting emotionally triggered, and you wish that didn’t happen. 2. Your relationships are damaged. You and your partner don’t know how to resolve conflicts so you don’t feel deeply loved and respected. 3. When you get emotionally triggered, you don’t deal with it […]


Breathwork Testimonial List

Breathwork Testimonial List . The following testimonials will give you an idea of what is possible for you in Breathwork sessions. This spiritual healing technique is used to access the root cause of emotional-mental-physical-spiritual conditions. He’s a life-long asthma sufferer. “Thank you for the Breathwork session you led me through the other day. It was […]


Breathwork Description

Are you looking for a major boost to propel you into your full potential? If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you’ll want to explore Breathwork. Do you want to … 1. Heal emotions from grief, trauma, neglect or other family of origin issues? 2. Transform unproductive patterns in your relationships, especially emotional reactivity? […]
